
Un amante
de la tierra

Amamos la tierra de la que nacen todos los productos, y con nuestra tarea queremos ser lo más fieles posible a ese legado, empleando las materias primas de la región y usando técnicas artesanales mejoradas que mantienen el sabor de siempre. El secreto de las Patatas Fritas Garijo Baigorri es que no hay secreto. Variedades de excelente fritura con un corte fino y fritas siempre con Aceite de Oliva dan el mejor crujiente a nuestras Patatas Fritas. Nuestro objetivo de lograr una alimentación natural y la calidad de las Patatas Garijo Baigorri se unen para consiguen una excelencia difícil de superar.

This business venture was born in the 20th century with a family from Soria that achieved prestige with the development of the handmade production of potato chips. The GARIJO BAIGORRI family acquired the firm in 2005 and continues this task by completing a product catalog, supported by research and development as an SME in 2018 and maintaining its roots in the city of Soria.

Also fried with 100% Olive Oil and then flavored only with flavors: Our Potato Chips flavored with Wasabi, Beetroot Juice, Ham and “Black” Truffle -Tuber Melanosporum-. And also, our “Mix” of Potatoes: explosion of color and flavor. A feast for the palate!

The evolution of the Appetizers, with the simple formula: Crunchy Vegetables, thin cut and 100% Olive Oil. Thus Carrot, Red Beet, Yucca, Sweet Potato or Parsnip are presented in new forms of consumption, natural and delicious.

In response to new consumer trends, our “Toppings” (baked bread croutons, natural and with Caesar and Mediterranean flavors) are a great option to accompany salads, gazpachos, hot dogs and hamburgers, or to give texture to other dishes: risottos, salmorejo, which are much more crunchy and fun.

One of our differentiating aspects is the continuous innovation in the search for the best possible products, through research in raw materials, processes and final products. As a result, coda bocado crunchy has a long history of research and innovation in food quality and safety.
